Ebook Drawdown The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming Paul Hawken Tom Steyer 9780143130444 Books

• New York Times bestseller •
The 100 most substantive solutions to reverse global warming, based on meticulous research by leading scientists and policymakers around the world
“At this point in time, the Drawdown book is exactly what is needed; a credible, conservative solution-by-solution narrative that we can do it. Reading it is an effective inoculation against the widespread perception of doom that humanity cannot and will not solve the climate crisis. Reported by-effects include increased determination and a sense of grounded hope.” —Per Espen Stoknes, Author, What We Think About When We Try Not To Think About Global Warming
“There’s been no real way for ordinary people to get an understanding of what they can do and what impact it can have. There remains no single, comprehensive, reliable compendium of carbon-reduction solutions across sectors. At least until now. . . . The public is hungry for this kind of practical wisdom.” —David Roberts, Vox
“This is the ideal environmental sciences textbook—only it is too interesting and inspiring to be called a textbook.” —Peter Kareiva, Director of the Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, UCLA
In the face of widespread fear and apathy, an international coalition of researchers, professionals, and scientists have come together to offer a set of realistic and bold solutions to climate change. One hundred techniques and practices are described here—some are well known; some you may have never heard of. They range from clean energy to educating girls in lower-income countries to land use practices that pull carbon out of the air. The solutions exist, are economically viable, and communities throughout the world are currently enacting them with skill and determination. If deployed collectively on a global scale over the next thirty years, they represent a credible path forward, not just to slow the earth’s warming but to reach drawdown, that point in time when greenhouse gases in the atmosphere peak and begin to decline. These measures promise cascading benefits to human health, security, prosperity, and well-being—giving us every reason to see this planetary crisis as an opportunity to create a just and livable world.
Ebook Drawdown The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming Paul Hawken Tom Steyer 9780143130444 Books
"I have spent a couple of hours with this book, read some sections in-depth. I was crazy looking forward to reading it, and it does contain what I think may be new ideas for many people. I am thankful for that.
The book has two glaring deficits that make it a work that may ultimately harm our ability to move forward.
The first is a striking lack of solutions that are ocean-related. The ocean is the great temperature and atmospheric regulator of our planet. It requires abundant animal life in order to do much of the job of creating oxygen and sequestering carbon--for instance, the trophic cascade driven by whale populations down to plankton numbers. I am no expert, but I cannot imagine that the top 100 solutions do not include numerous actions that should be taken on behalf of ocean health. This is an area that has not received necessary attention and must.
This brings me to my second and most troubling point. Most of these solutions are tech based and economically informed. While they seem ambitious and somewhat impossible to attain, what drives much of the carbon emissions of our species is our consumptive way of life. This book assumes, based on solutions presented, that we just have to swap our current technologies with carbon reducing ones and we have some hope of solving things. That is the great lie!! A book with this much hype about solutions did not address overconsumption of manufactured items for its own sake. It does get wrapped into discussion of other topics, such as carpooling and recycling, but not explicitly. Imagine the impact of halving the purchaes we make. Or choosing to live without plastic and unnecessary packaging. We have spent hundreds of years getting into the situation we are in; this critical juncture requires an unswerving look at the nature of our addiction to possessing and extracting, which many of the posited solutions ignore.
Already looking for v.2 on this!!!"
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Tags : Drawdown The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming [Paul Hawken, Tom Steyer] on . <b><b><b> <b><b><b> <b><b><b><b><b>• </b></b></b></b></b></i></b></b></b>New York Times</i> bestseller <b><b><b> <b><b><b><b><b>•</b></b></b></b></b></i></b></b></b></b></b> The 100 most substantive solutions to reverse global warming,Paul Hawken, Tom Steyer,Drawdown The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming,Penguin Books,0143130447,Environmental Economics,Global Warming Climate Change,Public Policy - Environmental Policy,Climate change mitigation,Climate change mitigation.,Climate change;Prevention.,Global warming - Prevention,Global warming;Prevention.,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Environmental Economics,Business Economics/Environmental Economics,CLIMATE CHANGES,ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY,General Adult,Non-Fiction,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Environmental Policy,Political Science/Public Policy - Environmental Policy,Readings/Anthologies/Collected Works,SCI/TECH,SCIENCE / Global Warming Climate Change,Science,Science/Environmental Science (see also Chemistry - Environmental),Science/Math,Science/Mathematics,United States,science books;science teacher gifts;science gifts;coffee table books;climate change books;sustainability;climatology;ecology;ecosystem;farming;earth day;women;climate;change;footprint;environment;environmental;science;policy;earth;Hawkin;energy;land;transport;transportation;fear;climate change;trump;global warming;barack obama;paula hawkins;global warming books;economics;conservation;environmental science;business;economy;strategy;geopolitics;political science;public policy;business books,sustainability; climatology; ecology; ecosystem; farming; earth day; women; climate; change; footprint; environment; environmental; science; policy; earth; Hawkin; energy; land; transport; transportation; fear; climate change; trump; global warming; barack obama; economics; environmental science; business; science books; economy; paula hawkins; geopolitics; science teacher gifts; science gifts; coffee table books; climate change books; conservation; strategy; government; political science; public policy; business books,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Environmental Economics,Business Economics/Environmental Economics,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Environmental Policy,Political Science/Public Policy - Environmental Policy,SCIENCE / Global Warming Climate Change,Science/Environmental Science (see also Chemistry - Environmental),Climate Changes,Environmental Policy,Science,Science/Mathematics
Drawdown The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming Paul Hawken Tom Steyer 9780143130444 Books Reviews :
Drawdown The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming Paul Hawken Tom Steyer 9780143130444 Books Reviews
- Drawdown is long overdue. As with all of Hawken's writings it's well conceived, carefully researched and beautifully written. Thank goodness for this effort. Yet....
I looked in vain for the evidence that the remedies discussed will materially change the trajectory of projected temperature increases. How much below 2 C will we stabilize at with full implementation of these 100 remedies? According to the book even the most aggressive scenario they model only reduces CO2 by less than one gigaton (out of about 40 gigatons we spew each year) and that isn't until 2045. That means that we're still doomed.
I'm also puzzled that the book is called "The most comprehensive plan every proposed to reverse global warming". It's not a plan. It is a painstakingly researched compendium of currently used and and projected remedies. As such it's an essential contribution to our collective knowledge about climate change action. A plan however would have a set of goals, objectives, strategies, indicators and more. Perhaps Paul or others are now working to transform this solid beginning into a real plan. As a long time planner I'd be happy to help.
There is also little discussion about the single most important variable affecting whether we retain a livable planet - and that is time - or lack of it. Most all comprehensive analyses conclude that we're essentially out of time to avoid the most existentially dangerous consequences of climate chaos. It's wildly optimistic, and unsupported by the evidence, to suggest, as Drawdown does, that we can reverse climate change even if most of these remedies are not fully implemented until 2050.
Unless we almost fully decarbonize and drawdown in a decade or two, we're doomed to 5 -10 degrees F of warming by the end of the century. That level of warming will destabilize our politics, our economy, our food production, our social cohesion and our infrastructure to such an extreme degree that the organized productive work necessary to implement these remedies will be next to impossible to sustain.
And even were we by some near miracle to stabilize at the 2 C target we'll have a barely habitable planet, despite the conventional climate wisdom. There's little that is scientific about the 2 C target. It's a convenient political decision that puts the need for urgent action far into the future. We can see the severe consequences on our ice caps, our coral reefs and our weather with only 1 C warming today.
There's also the 'moral hazard' risk of the optimistic Drawdown message. We already have too much climate complacency. Yet reading Drawdown suggests that the market and human creativity is enough - or almost enough - to reverse climate change without mass mobilization and radical changes in how we invest, regulate, consume and organize our daily lives.
I write this critique with hesitancy given the enormous trust I have in Paul's good intentions and the admirable efforts of his 200 person working group. But we need to do so much more and much faster than what Drawdown describes. So I hope Paul will integrate that perspective into his continuing efforts at showing us the best path forward. - I have spent a couple of hours with this book, read some sections in-depth. I was crazy looking forward to reading it, and it does contain what I think may be new ideas for many people. I am thankful for that.
The book has two glaring deficits that make it a work that may ultimately harm our ability to move forward.
The first is a striking lack of solutions that are ocean-related. The ocean is the great temperature and atmospheric regulator of our planet. It requires abundant animal life in order to do much of the job of creating oxygen and sequestering carbon--for instance, the trophic cascade driven by whale populations down to plankton numbers. I am no expert, but I cannot imagine that the top 100 solutions do not include numerous actions that should be taken on behalf of ocean health. This is an area that has not received necessary attention and must.
This brings me to my second and most troubling point. Most of these solutions are tech based and economically informed. While they seem ambitious and somewhat impossible to attain, what drives much of the carbon emissions of our species is our consumptive way of life. This book assumes, based on solutions presented, that we just have to swap our current technologies with carbon reducing ones and we have some hope of solving things. That is the great lie!! A book with this much hype about solutions did not address overconsumption of manufactured items for its own sake. It does get wrapped into discussion of other topics, such as carpooling and recycling, but not explicitly. Imagine the impact of halving the purchaes we make. Or choosing to live without plastic and unnecessary packaging. We have spent hundreds of years getting into the situation we are in; this critical juncture requires an unswerving look at the nature of our addiction to possessing and extracting, which many of the posited solutions ignore.
Already looking for v.2 on this!!! - I teach a climate change course and hoped this book would serve as a guide for students to get them out of the existential crisis which IS climate change I have ordered the book for all my students because it will do just that.
It takes some study to get how project drawdown works. It is great to get numbers for billion tons of CO2 reduced (GtCO2 which should be converted GtCeq) plus costs and savings for each of 80 solutions. The numbers are reasonable and it works like crowd sourcing...everybody can pick their solution and work from their own niche.
Some of my favorite parts were 1) the reciprocity essay at the end and the "wood wide web", 2) the trashing of the cultural belief that cattle and trees don't mix, and 3) the dire need to build better batteries so renewables can get beyond 25 per cent of our energy mix.
Shortcomings of the book? The graphics and title page seemed a bit odd. And the C capture solution seemed weak, i.e., it is not enough to capture CO2 but we must make it a useful liquid or solid as in limestone bricks. The analysis re family planning and education of girls is SO important but the analysis of this is weak as it means controlling population if we are ever to have Limits to Growth as prophesied in 1972.
Bravo to Paul Hawjen and the team for getting us going in the right direction.